How CBD Can Help Deal with Stress, Anxiety, and Post-Cancer Treatment

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Amidst the buzz of our daily routines, stress often shadows our thought processes. Recovering from serious illnesses such as cancer also becomes a burden and can often lead to depression. In the search for natural remedies, CBD products have emerged as a beacon of hope. These products, derived from the cannabis plant, are reputed for their therapeutic benefits without inducing a 'high.' This article delves into this multifaceted role in managing anxiety and aiding in post-cancer treatment recovery.

How much CBD is good for stress?

The optimal dosage of CBD for stress varies from individual to individual, depending on factors like body weight, the nature of the stress, and personal body chemistry. However, most studies and clinical trials suggest that doses ranging from 20mg to 300mg of CBD per day can be perfect for managing stress.

Studies suggest a more personalized approach. Dosages can range from 25 mg per day for general anxiety, with adjustments based on the individual's response, which might include increments up to 175 mg per day depending on the severity and symptoms of the individual​.

Given these stats, starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it, based on personal tolerance and effectiveness, seems advisable. Getting expert consultation before starting any new treatment regimen is crucial, especially to tailor the dosage to your specific health needs and conditions.

Can CBD help with post-cancer recovery?

Cancer treatments, such as ones involving rigorous chemotherapy and radiation, often leave patients grappling with side effects like nausea, pain, and profound fatigue. Here, CBD post-cancer treatment comes into the picture as a supportive therapeutic option.

Here are the five best ways in which it can help:

  • Known for its analgesic properties, this compound helps alleviate the pain experienced by cancer survivors after their treatment.
  • Its anti-inflammatory effects are crucial in reducing post-treatment inflammation and easing physical discomfort.
  • The antiemetic qualities of this substance help reduce nausea, a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation, improving patients' ability to eat and retain nutrition.
  • Enhancing appetite assists in the nutritional recovery of cancer patients, helping them regain strength and body weight during treatment.
  • Overall, this compound supports the recovery process by mitigating several debilitating side effects of cancer treatments, contributing to a better quality of life post-treatment.

Oils to the rescue!

CBD oils are perhaps the most accessible form of medical cannabis, offering ease of use and precise dosage. These oils are extracted from cannabis plants and thinned out with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. The therapeutic properties of these in managing chronic pain, anxiety, and post-treatment symptoms have been supported by various studies, making them a popular choice among those seeking relief.

Top 7 benefits of using CBD after cancer therapy

Cannabidiol is highly beneficial in dealing with the heckle of cancer treatment. Here is a breakdown of how it helps keep your mental health in check during or after the recovery phase:

  1. Anxiety Reduction: Shown to decrease anxiety significantly, the compound affects serotonin receptors that influence mood and social behavior, offering relief in scenarios like public speaking.
  2. Depression Management: Exhibits antidepressant-like effects by interacting with the brain’s serotonin receptors, crucial for mood regulation, potentially lifting mood and combating depressive symptoms.
  3. Stress Relief: Modulates the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, potentially reducing stress levels and helping maintain stable stress responses.
  4. Sleep Improvement: It promotes relaxation and modulates sleep cycles, improving the quality of sleep, which is often disrupted in those suffering from mental health issues.
  5. PTSD Symptom Alleviation: Explored for its potential to ease PTSD symptoms, including nightmares and replaying negative memories, by helping extinguish fear memories, which is critical for effective treatment.
  6. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Suggests improvements in cognitive function by lessening overall oxidative stress in the brain, which can affect memory and cognitive functions.
  7. Overall Mood Stabilization: It regulates the endocannabinoid system, which is significant in maintaining mood balance, helping stabilize mood swings, and maintaining a consistent disposition.