Understanding the Winter Spike in Acid Reflux and Heartburn: A Seasonal Connection

Acid reflux and heartburn can occur anytime, but there is a seasonal connection, particularly during winter. Many people experience an uptick in acid reflux and heartburn symptoms or notice a worsening trend during the winter months. Let's explore the causes behind this seasonal increase in acid reflux and heartburn.

Key Factors Contributing to Winter Increase in Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Dietary Changes:

  • During the winter, individuals often consume richer and heavier foods, such as comfort foods and holiday feasts.
    • These high-fat and high-calorie meals can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus.
    • Reduced Physical Activity:
  • Colder temperatures and shorter days may discourage outdoor activities and exercise.
    • Physical inactivity can contribute to weight gain, a known risk factor for acid reflux.
    • Indoor Heating:
  • Central heating systems are often used in winter, creating a dry indoor environment.
    • Dry air can affect the mucous membranes of the esophagus, making individuals more susceptible to acid reflux symptoms.
    • Holiday Stress:
  • The winter season often coincides with holidays, which can bring about increased stress and anxiety.
    • Stress affects the digestive system, potentially leading to heightened acid production and exacerbating reflux symptoms.
    • Eating Late at Night:
  • Longer nights and colder temperatures may lead to delayed dinner or late-night snacking.
    • Consuming food close to bedtime can increase the risk of acid reflux as the body works to digest horizontally.


Understanding the seasonal elements contributing to increased acid reflux and heartburn throughout the winter can help people adopt proactive lifestyle changes. Maintaining a balanced diet, remaining physically active, controlling stress, and being careful of late-night eating habits are all important ways to reduce the impact of these disorders. Keeping hydrated and utilizing a humidifier to combat the impacts of dry indoor air can also help with general digestive health throughout the winter months. Individuals can experience a more comfortable and symptom-free winter season using these practices.